What Is Beldex Coin (BDX) – Price Prediction 2023-2034

What Is Beldex Coin (BDX) – Price Prediction 2023-2034


Beldex Coin is a cutting-edge blockchain ecosystem focused on privacy. Built on the Monero foundation, it offers a suite of decentralized applications and services to enhance confidentiality and security. With features like the Beldex browser, wallets, and privacy protocol, Beldex empowers users to safeguard their data. The native BDX token, mined through proof-of-stake, is a privacy coin and utility within the ecosystem. Join Beldex to experience privacy-centric applications and secure transactions in today’s interconnected world.

What Is Beldex Coin (BDX)?

Beldex is a prominent ecosystem centered around privacy, offering a range of decentralized applications prioritizing user confidentiality. Its notable components include BChat, BelNet, the Beldex browser, the Beldex privacy protocol, and the Beldex bridge. With a steadfast dedication to enhancing online privacy, the Beldex project caters to individuals seeking heightened confidentiality on the internet. BDX serves as both a privacy coin and a utility within privacy-preserving DApps. Whether private messaging or confidential transactions, Beldex is a comprehensive platform for privacy enthusiasts, providing a one-stop solution.

History of Beldex Coin (BDX)

The Beldex blockchain network is built upon the foundation of Monero, leveraging its technology and cryptocurrency as the starting point for the network’s development. The inception of the Beldex network took place in 2018, and since then, it has evolved to encompass a diverse range of products and services. Among these offerings are Beldex browsers, wallets, bridges, and more, catering to various user needs within the ecosystem.

On September 25, 2021, the whitepaper for the Beldex asset was released, providing a comprehensive document outlining its principles, features, and objectives. The BDX token, the native cryptocurrency of the Beldex network, has a total supply of 9.9 billion BDX tokens, contributing to the ecosystem’s functioning and utility.

How Are New Beldex Coin (BDX) Created?

BDX tokens are designed as private decentralized coins to address privacy and scalability challenges in other blockchain networks. These tokens are mined through a proof-of-stake mechanism, which involves validating transactions conducted on the blockchain. Users can earn BDX tokens as rewards by participating in the verification process.

Moreover, the Beldex network allows token holders to generate additional BDX tokens by staking their existing tokens on the network. Staking involves temporarily locking up a certain amount of tokens to support the network’s operations and secure the blockchain. Participants receive staking rewards as newly minted BDX tokens in return for their contribution.

Through these mechanisms, Beldex ensures privacy and scalability while incentivizing token holders to participate in maintaining and securing the network actively.

Beldex Coin (BDX) Live Price, Market Cap, Volume, Supply.

Beldex Coin (BDX) price prediction 2023-2034.

Beldex Coin (BDX) price prediction 2023-2034 Infographic Graph
YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
2023$0.07 $0.06 $0.09
2024$0.08 $0.06 $0.09
2025$0.10 $0.08 $0.12
2026$0.13 $0.10 $0.16
2027$0.18 $0.14 $0.22
2028$0.24 $0.19 $0.29
2029$0.32 $0.26 $0.39
2030$0.44 $0.35 $0.52
2031$0.59 $0.47 $0.70
2032$0.79 $0.63 $0.95
2033$1.06 $0.84 $1.27
2034$1.42 $1.14 $1.71

Beldex Coin price prediction 2023

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2023 should range between $0.057 to $0.086, and the average cost of BDX should be around $0.071.

Beldex price prediction 2024

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2024 should range between $0.06 to $0.091, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.076.

Beldex Coin price prediction 2025

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2025 should range between $0.081 to $0.12, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.1.

Beldex price prediction 2026

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2026 should range between $0.1 to $0.16, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.13.

Beldex price prediction 2027

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2027 should range between $0.14 to $0.22, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.18.

Beldex price prediction 2028

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2028 should range between $0.19 to $0.29, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.24.

Beldex Coin price prediction 2029

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2029 should range between $0.26 to $0.39, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.32.

Beldex price prediction 2030

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2030 should range between $0.35 to $0.52, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.44.

Beldex price prediction 2031

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2031 should range between $0.47 to $0.7, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.59.

Beldex Coin price prediction 2032

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2032 should range between $0.63 to $0.95, and the average price of BDX should be around $0.79.

Beldex price prediction 2033

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2033 should range between $0.84 to $1.27, and the average price of BDX should be around $1.06.

Beldex Coin price prediction 2034

According to our analysis, Beldex’s price for 2034 should range between $1.14 to $1.71, and the average price of BDX should be around $1.42.


  1. How does Beldex prioritize privacy?

    Beldex is built upon the technology of Monero and incorporates privacy features such as ring signatures, stealth addresses, and confidential transactions. These mechanisms help obfuscate transaction details and protect user privacy.

  2. How are BDX tokens mined?

    BDX tokens are mined through a proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism. Validators on the Beldex network verify transactions and secure the blockchain by staking their tokens. In return, they earn BDX tokens as rewards for their contribution.

  3. What is the total supply of BDX tokens?

    The total supply of BDX tokens is 9.9 billion. This supply is distributed through mining rewards, staking rewards, and other mechanisms within the Beldex ecosystem.

  4. Is Beldex an open-source project?

    Beldex is an open-source project, meaning its source code is publicly available for scrutiny and collaboration. This enhances transparency and community involvement in the development of the project.

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