BetterPoints Turn Your Physical Activity Into 100% Real Money

BetterPoints: Turn Your Physical Activity Into 100% Real Money


BetterPoints is a rewards app designed to incentivize physical activity by offering points for completing various challenges. While the app genuinely provides rewards, its utility and effectiveness depend on individual usage and preferences. The primary way to earn points is by participating in challenges, such as walking a certain distance, with the app tracking your progress via your phone’s location services.

These points can then be redeemed for gift cards or discounts, though cash rewards are not an option. BetterPoints aims to encourage healthier lifestyles through increased physical activity, making it potentially beneficial for those looking to boost their fitness routines. However, the necessity of carrying your phone during activities and the specific geographic availability of the app may be limitations for some users.

What is BetterPoints?

BetterPoints is a rewards app that rewards you for recording your physical activity. And yes, it is valid because you can really reap rewards from it. However, that doesn’t mean you should use it.

What is BetterPoints?

If you want to determine if BetterPoints is worth it, the first step is to understand how it works. To do this, we must look at the earning opportunities it offers so that you have a clear picture of how well you can earn and how much time you need to invest.

Make Money By Completing Various Physical Activity Challenges From BetterPoints.

To earn BetterPoints, you must participate in challenges. When you log into the app, you can go to the Challenges section and see all the challenges.

Make Money By Completing Various Physical Activity Challenges From Betterpoints.

Typically, these challenges ask you to complete a specific physical activity, such as walking a certain distance. To complete a challenge, you must take your phone with you and let the app run in the background. You need to make sure that you allow the app to track your location.

It’s a bit outdated compared to some other apps that offer similar earning opportunities because those apps don’t require you to bring your phone with you on the go. You can simply use a fitness watch and connect it to the app to track the distance you walk.

Still, that’s how BetterPoints work, so you must have them to win rewards. After completing a challenge, you can claim rewards, which will be in the form of points.

As it claims, in a way, BetterPoints will really make a positive difference in your life if you use it because it will motivate you to be more physically active, which in turn, will help you get healthy.

How Do You Get Paid From BetterPoints?

As explained above, you earn points for completing challenges. Now, the question is, what can you do with the points you have earned? Well, you can exchange them for various gift cards and discounts.

How Do You Get Paid From Betterpoints?

You must earn a minimum of 100 points to redeem a prize. These are just discounts that you can get at certain stores But if you want to redeem a gift card, you’ll need to earn at least 2,000 points, which would be the equivalent of a £2 gift card.

Now, if you want to earn cash, you will be disappointed because BetterPoints does not offer such rewards.

How To Join BetterPoints?

You can sign up as a member wherever you live, BetterPoints is only available to people living in the UK, some European countries, New Zealand and some South American countries.

You must be at least 14 years old to join. To sign up, you need to install the app first. Then, when you open the app for the first time, you have to go through the registration process. After you sign up, BetterPoints will send an email with a confirmation link.

Just click on the link to complete your registration. Once you have done this, you can log into the app and start earning.

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